Former aux situations de travail & Former en situation de travail

The Former aux situations de travail et Former en situation de travail hub (FA-E-ST), inspired by occupational didactics, concerns engineering training based on the analysis of real work situations in order to design case studying and in-work training. The last type of action is directly linked to the law of 5 September 2018 For the freedom to choose your professional future [décret D. 6313-3-2], including the recognition of work-based training (AFEST).

The FAEST hub aims in particular to build up a virtual bank of case studies for training, as well as to list and make available the reference documentary resources in the field of activity analysis for training and skills development.

This R&D hub in pedagogical innovation is under the responsibility of Lucie Petit and Thérèse Levené, Lecturers in Education and Training Sciences, Component Education and Adult Training Sciences (SEFA) of the University of Lille, CIREL Laboratory (ULR 4354), Trigone team.

News & Projects

Case study: Social Distress Management in First aid operations


The FA-E-ST hub, with de Pierre Parage, specialist in adult learning issues, are elaborating resources to understand what occupational didactics is. The theory will be illustrated by practice with a case study. This study focuses on the analysis of the fire chief's activity during the Social Distress management in firefighter operations. This case will illustrate the concepts of analysis, observation, modelling and learning situation. You will also be able to experiment with an interactive game related to this case study.

An interactive bibliography on occupational didactics.


You may have asked yourself "Where do I start?" when you discover a new topic. This bibliography, interactive and modifiable over time, will compile the major references in occupational didactics. Classified by audience, this bibliography is intended as an entry point into the field of occupational didactics.

Resources & Designs

Step by step