EMFA (Fenouillet, Heutte & Vallerand, 2015)

L’Echelle de Motivation en Formation des Adultes (EMFA, Fenouillet, Heutte & Vallerand, 2015)

In 1989 Vallerand, Blais, Briere and Pelletier proposed a measure of motivation in initial training, the Educational Motivation Scale (EMS) based on the theory of self-determination (Deci & Ryan, 2000). CThis scale includes 28 items that measure three forms of intrinsic motivation (knowledge, stimulation and achievement), three forms of extrinsic motivation (external, introjected and identified) and amotivation. While these different forms of motivation refer to the continuum of self-determination postulated by Deci and Ryan (2000) to explain different facets of motivation, the EME lacks the most self-determined level of extrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, to reflect all aspects of motivation in this theoretical framework.

L’Echelle de Motivation en Formation des Adultes (EMFA) created by Fenouillet, Heutte and Vallerand (2015) based on the EME offers a triple innovation.

First, it is a measure of motivation in adult education. Secondly, it proposes to measure adults' motivation in the context of a massive open online course (MOOC). Finally, it adds a measure of integrated regulation, which is the most self-determined form of extrinsic motivation and which makes particular sense in the context of adult education where certain knowledge can be fully part of the sense of self as postulated by this motivational form.


L'Indice d’auto-détermination (IAD) de la motivation en formation des adultes is directly inspired by Relative Autonomy Index (RAI, Ryan & Connell, 1989), is calculated from the ÉMFA-24. According to the same principle as the RAI, the higher the IAD-ÉMFA score, the higher the degree of self-determination of training motivation.
However, since the ÉMFA has 2 more dimensions than the Self-Regulation Questionnaires (SQR, utilisée par Ryan & Connell, 1989), IAD-ÉMFA is calculated as follows:
IAD-ÉMFA = (3 x score of the subscale "Motivation intrinsèque à la connaissance") + (2 x score of the subscale "Régulation Intégrée de la Motivation extrinsèque") + score of the subscale "Régulation Identifiéede la Motivation extrinsèque" - score of the subscale "Régulation Introjectéede la Motivation extrinsèque" - (2 x score of the subscale "Régulation Externe de la Motivation extrinsèque") - (3 x score of the subscale "Amotivation")