Jamovi - The first tetralogy
• Justine Roussel • last uptade : 10.01.2022
The Fabrique des formations of Lille University launches its first quadrilogy, about Jamovi, presented by Pr. Fabien Fenouillet. Professor of positive psychology of learning, expert statistician in the field of research in human and social sciences, within the Interdisciplinary Laboratory in Neuroscience, Psysiology and Psychology: Learning, Physical Activity, Health (LINP2-A2PS) at the University of Paris Nanterre. His work focuses on the following issues
- Motivation and learning: impact of motivation on the cognitive mechanisms of learning.
- Motivation and technology: Using motivational models to understand how to involve the user in learning via technologies.
For more information, you can visit his personal website.
The software Jamovi

What is the Jamovi software? Why use this software for your statistical processing?
The Jamovi project is a free and open source software for statistical analysis. At the heart of jamovi's philosophy is the idea that scientific software should be "community driven", where anyone can develop and publish analyses, and make them available to a wide audience. The software operates in the R ecosystem, which is a programming language and statistical software. Jamovi is a derivative of another statistical software: JASP. The developers wanted to make the software simpler than current statistical software. The users of this software are undergraduate/master students who are experimenting with statistical analysis, as well as researchers who use ad hoc statistical software. However, experienced researchers and statistical professionals will be able to improve their results by integrating Jamovi with R.
Why use Jamovi?
- Jamovi is an open-source software. No need for a subscription, you can simply install it on your computer and only the plugins that interest you.
- The interface is user-friendly.
- Data management is live: You can modify your data directly in the software, and if you change something, the results that depend on these changes are immediately updated.
- The Jamovi community is growing.
- The possibility to develop its own modules in R language.
- Tutorials available on the Lille Pod channel of La Fabrique des formations.
- It's easier to make statistics with a computer than by hand ;)
01 - Présentation de l'outil et du corpus
Pour citer cette vidéo : Fenouillet, F (2021). Jamovi - présentation de l'outil et du corpus [vidéo], La Fabrique des formations, Université de Lille, août. Récupéré de https://pod.univ-lille.fr/video/21192-jamovi01-presentation-de-loutil-et-du-corpus/
03 - Les statistiques descriptives
Pour citer cette vidéo : Fenouillet, F (2021). Jamovi - Les statistiques descriptives [vidéo], La Fabrique des formations, Université de Lille, septembre. Récupéré de https://pod.univ-lille.fr/video/21190-jamovi03-les-statistiques-descriptives/02 - Clarification des données
Pour citer cette vidéo : Fenouillet, F (2021). Jamovi - Clarification des données. [vidéo], La Fabrique des formations, Université de Lille, août. Récupéré de https://pod.univ-lille.fr/video/21055-jamovi02-clarification-des-donnees/
04 - Le test du Khi2
Pour citer cette vidéo : Fenouillet, F (2021). Jamovi - Le test du Khi2 [vidéo], La Fabrique des formations, Université de Lille, septembre. Récupéré de https://pod.univ-lille.fr/video/21191-jamovi04-le-test-du-khi2/References :
Jamovi — EduTech Wiki. (s. d.). Consulté 23 novembre 2021, à l’adresse https://edutechwiki.unige.ch/fr/Jamovi
Meunier (Trad), D. N., David Foxcroft, Jean-Marc. (s. d.). Chapitre 3 Démarrer avec Jamovi | Apprentissage des statistiques avec Jamovi : Un tutoriel pour les étudiants en psychologie et autres débutants. Consulté 23 novembre 2021, à l’adresse https://jmeunierp8.github.io/ManuelJamovi/s3.html#s3_9
Practical information :
- The official website of Jamovi software where you can download the latest version of the software as well as the software user guide. You will also find various resources such as YouTube tutorials or books about Jamovi (mainly in English). For any questions related to the tool, please consult the official forum.
- Jamovi thought: Find out who is behind Jamovi with this interview with one of the founders.