La Fabrique des formations
Our goal : To design an optimal Learning environnement dedicated to the research and the developpment in educational innovation in the fields of adult education.
Designing, producing and providing training ressources for the community in adult training professions in a lifelong training dynamic
La Fabrique des formations is a research and development project in educational innovation. The purpose is to reinforce The University of Lille to train trainers.
Here the configuration of the 4 R&D hubs :
- Immersion, Expérimentation, Apprentissage (IMEXA)
- Evaluation, Modélisation et Pilotage (EMOPI)
- e-Formation et Innovation
- Former aux situations de travail et Former en situation de travail (FA-E-ST)
Fabrique des formations's project is carried out with the financial support of the French State wihtin the framework of the « Investissements d’avenir » (I-SITE ULNE / ANR-16-IDEX-0004 ULNE), managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR)
The project director is Jean Heutte, University Professor in Education and Training Sciences, Vice-Dean "Lifelong training and Partnership", Faculty of Psychology, Education and Training Sciences (PsySEF) of Lille University, Laboratory CIREL (ULR 4354), Trigone Team.
Project management assistance is provided by Justine Roussel, research engineer (IGR), Digital learning manager, Fabrique des formations’s Educational and web content manager of Lille University